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About Us


30 years ago, Don Leo the founding partner of Montaña de Fuego Resort & Spa, started a reforestation process in his lands intending to unite at some point the important biological corridors of the Caribbean and Monteverde.

At that time, most of the farms located in La Fortuna were dedicated entirely to the livestock sector and pastures were the predominant landscape.

Today, happily and thanks to the great vision of the owners, the resort is surrounded by 80 acres of secondary forest, a habitat for many species of flora and fauna. These riparian or transition new rain forests play a very important role as they act to protect the Arenal River and La Palma River, important rivers that belong to the Biosphere Reserve Water and Peace, created by UNESCO in 2007.

As part of our Friends of the Environment program, the #Savetherainforest initiative is created to involve our guests, collaborators and suppliers in the reforestation process that continues in special areas designated by the company. We have a nursery where we are producing even more native species.

Join the #savetherainforest program and help us to preserve the rainforest by planting a tree. Get involve and leave a green footprint during your visit.

As part of the environmental conservation project and protection of the local species, Montaña de Fuego has reforested and currently protects a forest with over 35 hectares of regenerated land, which safeguards and preserves two important watersheds. Other sister properties, such as the Ecological Park, join this conservation project, contributing to the preservation of ecosystems and landscapes of great significance for the La Fortuna community, as it borders the Arenal Volcano National Park. Our gardens are adorned with native and pollinator plants. Only native plants are cultivated, and there are gardens dedicated to medicinal plants.

Montaña de Fuego is the first hotel in the country with the Biosphere Reserve brand. This brand is awarded to companies that have socio-environmental commitments and fulfill them.


  • Use of refills in rooms to avoid the use of plastic bottles
  • We opt for the use of biodegradable bags and eliminate the use of bags for transporting bed linen to rooms.
  • We use biodegradable straws and give the customer the option not to use them to reduce waste.
  • Measures to reduce pollution.
  • Reduce the use of paper for printing; whenever possible, communicate via email.
  • Print on both sides of a sheet of paper.
  • Use paper napkins and towels in the kitchen and dining area.
  • Reduce waste production by sorting waste at the source for recycling. Inform staff and guests about selective collection of paper, plastic, glass, aluminum, and organic waste.
  • Contact recycling centers or companies dedicated to recycling materials to supply them with sorted waste.
  • Purchase bulbs, cameras, and other devices that can use rechargeable batteries.
  • Avoid the use of disposable plastic cups and cutlery. Instead, buy durable, high-quality dishes or other materials.
  • Serve coffee in ceramic cups instead of disposable cups.
  • Use environmentally friendly packaging in the restaurant.
  • Consume products that come in returnable or reusable packaging.
  • Avoid products that come with excessive wrapping or packaging.
  • Reuse plastic bags; if possible, avoid them altogether.
  • Donate leftover soap and shampoo, used bed linen, and appliances that the company no longer uses.
  • Install grease traps in sinks.
  • Avoid disposing of kitchen oil in the sink. Instead, put it in a plastic bottle and donate it to people who use it as a biofuel, make homemade soap with it, or dispose of the bottle properly.
  • Maintain vehicles in good condition to reduce toxic emissions.
  • Turn off lights that are not in use. Remind guests to turn off lights when they leave the room.
  • Use devices to activate and deactivate power in rooms to encourage energy saving.
  • Open blinds and curtains to allow natural light during the day.
  • Paint walls in light colors to better reflect natural light.
  • Use energy-efficient light bulbs.
  • Keep fluorescent tubes on if they will be used again within five hours, as a significant amount of energy is consumed during startup.
  • Install sensors for automatic lighting control in common areas such as the garden, etc.
  • Use renewable energy (e.g., solar energy) whenever possible.
  • Take advantage of solar heat to dry bed linens.
    Plant trees near the hotel as they provide refreshing shade.
  • Use more fans than air conditioning units as they consume less electricity.
  • Use modern and energy-efficient air conditioning equipment.
  • Ensure windows and doors have good insulation to prevent excessive heating in hot days or excessive cooling in cold days.
  • Keep the refrigerator properly closed and check that the seals are in good condition.
  • Disconnect appliances that are not in use, as they still consume energy when plugged in.
  • Use modern appliances as recent technologies are more energy-efficient. Check the label to determine their energy consumption.
  • Use short washing programs and use detergents that work well with cold water.
  • Encourage guests to reuse clean towels and sheets. Ask them to place dirty ones on the floor.
    Perform regular maintenance on appliances.
  • Use the services of responsible transport providers who maintain their vehicles in good condition.

Connect with nature like never before